Maximize your car accident claim
After being injured in a car accident, many people try to handle their personal injury claim without an attorney.
This is a mistake because they forget to maximize their claim by pursuing all of the harms and losses.
There can be more to a personal injury case than just medical bills. Let an experience car accident attorney review your claim.
How an attorney can maximize your personal injury claim?
Our office recently settled a Howard County car accident case referred to us a local chiropractor.
The client sustained injuries, but didn’t know that they could also be compensated for their lost wages and the diminished value of your vehicle.
Lost wages are the time you missed from work due to your car accident injuries.
A diminished value claim determines how much less your car is worth after being in an accident. If your car is less than five years old and has close to $5,000 in damage, then you should consider a diminished value claim.
In this particular client’s claim, our office requested lost wage information from the client’s employer and hired an expert to inspect the damage to their vehicle.
By adding the client’s lost wages and diminished value to their medical bills and pain, the client’s auto accident claim was maximized.
You deserve to maximize your personal injury claim and should consult with an attorney to make sure you claim all your harms and losses.
Schedule a free personal injury consultation today
Looking for a reliable and experienced Maryland personal injury lawyer? Albers & Associates are proud to provide exceptional legal help to those in need throughout the state. We take a personal interest in each of our clients, provide expert legal advice, and will advocate for you every step of the way. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.
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