Will You Lose Your Job After a Drug Charge?
Being charged with a drug crime can be worrisome, especially if you have a job. You’re likely wondering a few things: Do I have to tell my employer about the drug charge? Will my boss fire me if he finds out about my charges? Will this drug charge keep me from future employment? Albers & Associates is here to help you get the best outcome possible when you are charged with a drug crime.

Do I Have to Tell My Employer?
If your drug charges require you to go through a trial or court hearings, you may have to miss work, in which case your employer may be suspicious if you are taking time off without explaining the circumstances. Drug charges may lead to license suspension or revocation if you are caught driving under the influence, which may inhibit your ability to get to work or complete daily tasks at your job.
The best way to know how you should go about these situations regarding your employment is to meet with a licensed drug crimes lawyer in Towson, MD. A professional attorney will gather all of the details surrounding your offense and charges and can give you sound advice on what to do.
Can I Be Fired for my Drug Charge?
Many employers will fire employees convicted of drug crimes if they turn down applicants who have been convicted of drug crimes. If your employer conducts periodic drug tests, there could already be a policy in place that states that those who fail drug tests will lose employment with the company.
Whether or not you are fired from your job after receiving drug charges depends on the policies and rules set by your employer, and Albers & Associates can help you find out your chances of losing your job for committing a drug crime.
Will it be Hard to Get a Job in the Future with a Drug Conviction?
Maryland employers have different policies regarding hiring those convicted of crimes. Some are completely against it and will not hire anyone with prior convictions, while others do not discriminate against an applicant’s criminal history. If a future potential employer asks you to submit to a criminal background check, this could be a sign that they will not hire you because you have been charged with a drug crime. However, there’s a chance they could only refuse to hire you if you have a more serious crime on your record.
Where Can I Get Reliable DUI Defense in Towson, MD?
Because much of the effect your drug charges on your current employment will depend on the company’s current policies and employment standards, it’s best to work with a professional drug crimes lawyer in Towson, MD when you’ve been charged. Albers & Associates has many years of experience in defending those who have committed drug crimes and work hard to ensure your charges disrupt your life as little as possible.
Contact us today for your free consultation.
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