Can Traffic Cameras Affect Your DUI?
It seems like more and more these days cameras are cropping up everywhere. We have cameras in our pockets, on almost every building, and of course on many streets. With this increased level of surveillance has come a decrease in the number of “he says, she says” court trials.

In the past most Towson, MD DUI cases relied purely on testimony from the arresting officer and the defendant, as well as DUI tests, but cameras have added a whole different aspect to DUI cases in Towson, MD. We wanted to take a little bit of time today to discuss how traffic cameras, and cameras in general, can affect your DUI case.
Video Is Definitive
We’ve all heard the old adage seeing is believing, and when it comes to Towson, MD DUI cases this is certainly true. Before if a police officer acted in an inappropriate manner, there was no way to prove they did so in court. But now with cameras, judges and juries have front row seats to exactly what happened. Any misconduct by the officer will be clearly visible and you could potentially have your DUI charges dropped.
Consequently, if you were driving under the influence then a video will also show the judge and jury that. If a traffic camera catches you swerving and driving erratically, it could seriously hurt your case. Red-light cameras can be particularly damaging because the act of running a red light is often attributed as extremely erratic and as something someone under the influence would do.
Police Body Cameras
Just as cameras have cropped up everywhere else, most police also carry cameras around with them at all times, both on their person and in their car. These cameras are vital parts of most modern trials and can really shed some light on what really went down. If you’re seen acting inebriated on bodycam footage, then it’s going to reflect very poorly on you, and likewise, if the officer acted inappropriately, it will look bad on them.
One thing that differentiates body camera footage from traffic camera footage, is it’s ability to record audio. Most traffic cameras only record video, but almost all bodycams record both audio and video, which is key because there could be important audio evidence that a traffic cam would have missed. If a driver is speaking with slurred speech, then the camera will pick it up, and if an officer fails to perform his duty appropriately it will also be heard.
Work With an Experienced DUI Lawyer in Towson, MD
Here at Albers & Associates, we’ve helped numerous clients with their DUI cases, and we know the ins and outs of Maryland law. For most people being charged with a DUI is one of the lowest points of their lives and it’s easy to get discouraged, but when you work with us, you no longer need to worry. Reach out to us today, our team of Towson, MD DUI lawyers is standing by, and would love to help you in any way possible.
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