Columbia Marijuana Attorneys
Marijuana and the laws that surround its possession have changed substantially in recent years. Though the drug was outlawed back in the early 1900’s, it has since been examined in a modern context for its medical properties. As the times change, so do the laws, and that means that what once led to criminal charges, now do not. Let’s take a look at how Marijuana laws have changed and what this means for you.
Is Marijuana Legal in Maryland?
The short answer is that no, it is not. Marijuana is decriminalized in Maryland. What this means is that if you’re in possession of less than 10 grams of marijuana, then you’re committing the same kind of infraction you would if you got a speeding ticket. You will still likely be fined if you cannot prove that you have a debilitating medical condition that requires medical marijuana to treat, but you will not accrue criminal charges. This also goes for the possession of marijuana paraphernalia and smoking in public. However, possession of more than 10 grams or trafficking the drug have heftier consequences.
Is Your Previous Marijuana Conviction Irrelevant Now?
If you were convicted of a marijuana-related crime that would now only be considered a civil infraction, then your criminal record is eligible for expungement. The important thing to note about this is that you have to have your records expunged specifically. This is not an automatic process. If the crime you were convicted of is still considered a criminal offense, then you can still have it expunged. However, you will have to wait 10 years with no additional convictions to be eligible. Either way, consult a Columbia Marijuana Lawyer to address your case.
What Kinds of Penalties Are You Facing?
If you’ve been caught with marijuana in the state of Maryland, then the charges you will face will likely vary county to county. In Baltimore City, for example, you may not face charges at all, as there have been political motions to focus law enforcement and state resources elsewhere. However, if you are arrested or charged, then your penalties will depend entirely on the circumstances of your case. For the possession of 10 grams of marijuana or less, you may only face a fine up to $100. For the possession of paraphernalia or smoking in public, you may face a fine up to $500. For charges treated more seriously, you may face steeper fines and even jail time.
Talk to a Marijuana Lawyer in Columbia, Maryland
If you’ve been charged with a marijuana-related crime in the state of Maryland, or you’ve been convicted in the past, then contact us today. We can help you to get your charges expunged or to protect you from your current charges, whatever the case may be.