Columbia Dog Bite Attorneys
Though dogs are often considered man’s best friend, they can also be dangerous when they are not properly trained or controlled. If you’ve been bitten by a dog in the state of Maryland, then you may be entitled to compensation for damages and injuries. By working with a dog bite lawyer in Columbia, MD, you will drastically improve your chances of a favorable outcome.
Contributory Negligence and Your Case
The state of Maryland has a statute in place that accounts for contributory negligence. Contributory negligence refers to a situation where the victim of an injury or damages has acted in a way that contributed to their injuries or to the seriousness of the situation. For example, let’s say you were driving down the road and you were hit by a drunk driver. In the event that you were speeding, you may not be able to seek damages if the defense can prove that you were speeding and thus, contributing to the danger of the situation.
In terms of dog bites, things like trespassing or antagonizing the dog would count for contributory negligence and thus harm your case substantially.
All Dog Owners Are Held Accountable Under the Law
Whether you were bitten by a doberman, a chow chow, or even a bichon frise, the owner of that dog is strictly liable for their dog’s actions. In the past, the law was more focused on pit bulls, but has since been restructured to accommodate all breeds. Landlords, in some cases, may also be held liable for the damages a dog has done. It all depends on the situation and the events that led to the bite.
Stay Safe and Know the Signs of Dog Aggression
The neutrality of the law in terms of breed is actually a great development because, in truth, any dog can bite. Just because you chose to adopt a beagle over a pit bull does not mean that you will never have to worry about canine aggression. All dogs use bites to communicate when they are pushed to their limit. Here are some of the most common signs that a dog may be about to bite.
- Growling
- Baring their teeth
- Raising their fur on their back or neck
- Stiffening their posture
- Whale eye
- Nervous tail wagging
If you notice one or more of these signs, you really need to proceed with caution. This is true even if the dog belongs to you. Don’t push a dog to their breaking point.
Albers & Associates Can Help You
Whether you’re a dog bite victim or you’re trying to defend your beloved pet, Attorney Albers can help you with your case. His previous experience as a Maryland prosecuting attorney has prepared him to provide a highly effective defense strategy for all of this clients. Contact us today for more information and to set up a free consultation to go over your case.