Maryland 3rd DUI Defense Attorneys
3rd DUI? Know Your Rights.
A 3rd DUI offense on your criminal record is going to carry a lot more weight than your 1st or 2nd offenses. 3rd offenses have some of the steepest penalties allowed by law.
Your circumstances are going to be dire. So be sure to call on a trusted DUI attorney in Maryland immediately to minimize the long-term damage a 3rd offense DUI will have on your life.
Penalties for a 3rd DUI Offense in Maryland
If you have two other DUI convictions or a probation before judgment and a conviction within 10 years, the penalties for your crime will be much worse. This is because there are major differences between a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd DUI offense. With a 3rd DUI offense, you may be facing:
- up to $3,000 in fines
- up to 3 years in prison
- the installation of an Interlock Ignition Device
- suspension of your license lasting up to 18 months
The penalties for a DUI could worsen in the event that a minor was involved or a person was injured or killed as a result of an accident you caused while driving drunk.
Mounting a Defense for a 3rd DUI Offense
Having a strong defense for your case is going to be more important than ever if this is your 3rd conviction. The judge and jury will be looking at you differently than before and may not believe you are genuinely remorseful.
In order to mount an effective defense for a 3rd DUI, you need an experienced DUI lawyer in Maryland. Otherwise, you may face irreparable damage to your reputation and life.
Albers & Associates Can Help Defend You
When facing DUI charges as a repeat offender, you need the help of an experienced Maryland attorney with a strong track record.
At the end of the day there is no substitute for experience. Rather than letting a 3rd DUI conviction ruin your life, call on the expertise of a qualified Maryland attorney to help you. Albers & Associates offers free consultations, so give us a call today.
Call (443) 665-8030 or fill out our free consultation form.