PROFESSIONAL. RESPONSIVE. RESULTS. DUI Lawyer maryland's top legal team

Maryland DUI Attorney

When faced with a DUI or DWI offense, you’ll want to work with one of our seasoned and professional DUI lawyers in Maryland.

Our team at Albers & Associates can help represent you and address these important concerns:

  • Will I lose my job?
  • Will I lose my license?
  • Will I go to jail?

Maryland’s drinking and driving laws are severe. The penalties associated with these crimes can be life-altering, and there are multiple factors that can influence the consequences you face. 

However, when you allow a Maryland DUI lawyer from Albers & Associates to defend your case, it could mean the difference between jail time and paying a minimal fine. We have the experience you want on your side in the face of serious criminal charges.

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What Constitutes DUI or DWI in Maryland?

Individuals can be convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) in Maryland if they both:

  • Have a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08% or higher; and
  • Are caught driving or attempting to drive a motor vehicle. 

For the majority of adults that are of legal drinking age, a BAC of .08% can be reached relatively quickly once alcohol consumption begins.

While a DUI conviction relies heavily on a driver having a BAC that is higher than the legal limit, a driving while impaired (DWI) conviction is typically given to a driver who has a BAC that is slightly lower than .08% but has also exhibited signs of impairment while operating a motor vehicle or during a field sobriety test.

How Our DUI Attorneys in Maryland Can Help

Our team is here to assist with a variety of DUI and DWI charges, including:

Penalties for DUI and DWI in Maryland

Years of Jail Time

One of the most frightening penalties for a DUI/DWI is jail time. For a 1st DUI offense, you may face up to a year in jail for a DUI and up to two months for a DWI. On a 2nd offense, you may face up to two years for a DUI and one year for a DWI. Subsequent offenses may result in up to three years of jail time for either a DUI or a DWI.

Fines that Hit Where it Hurts

Financial penalties often accompany a DUI or DWI offense. For a 1st offense, you may face fines up to $1,000 for a DUI and $500 for a DWI. After a 2nd offense, you could face up to $2,000 for a DUI, though the fine for a DWI is still $500. Third offenses and beyond could mean fines up to $3000 for both DUIs and DWIs.

A Suspension of Your License

Many, if not most, Americans need their license to get to work, handle small tasks, and to enjoy a meaningful quality of life. However, a license is not a right; it’s a privilege. If you are convicted of a DUI or a DWI, you may face having your license suspended for anywhere from 6 months to 2 years depending on your case.

License suspension will also come into play if you refuse to take a chemical test due to the implied consent laws in Maryland. For your first offense, you can face a 270-day suspension of your license if you refuse a breathalyzer test. For your second offense and subsequent refusals, your license will be suspended for 2 years.

Following your arrest, you will need to seek a hearing with the MVA to dispute the suspension or revocation of your license.

An Ignition Interlock System

An ignition interlock device (IID) is a breathalyzer that is integrated into your vehicle’s ignition system. They are required to be installed after a DUI conviction in the State of Maryland, even for first-time offenders. Though the IID program was only required for offenders with multiple DUIs in the past, Noah’s Law has expanded the program.

If you are required to invest in an IID, you will have to pay not only to have it installed, but to maintain it, and then have it removed from your vehicle when the time comes.

DUI Administrative Penalties

  • First offense: 12 points added to driving record, license revoked for up to six months
  • Second offense: 12 points added to driving record, license revoked for up to one year
  • Two convictions within five years: required participation in the Ignition Interlock Program

DWI Administrative Penalties

  • First offense: 8 points added to driving record, license suspended for up to six months
  • Second offense: 8 points added to driving record, license suspended for up to one year

Penalties for DUI/DWI are significantly higher for drivers who:

  • Are under 21 years of age at the time of the offense
  • Already have two or more DWI convictions
  • Are transporting a minor at the time of the offense

What Constitutes a DUI Vs. a DWI in Maryland?

The penalties for a DUI are much heftier than the penalties for a DWI. The difference is in your BAC levels. You will be charged with a DUI when you test for a BAC of .08 or higher. For a DWI, your test will come in between .04% and .08%.

For drivers under the age of 21, you can be charged with a BAC of .02% or higher. The state of Maryland has a zero-tolerance policy for underage drinking and driving, so even one drink can lead to serious consequences.

The situation is similar for drivers of commercial vehicles. If you are in operation of a commercial vehicle at the time of your arrest, your BAC can be no higher than .04% or you will face DUI charges.

Stages of a Maryland DUI Case

The DUI Arrest

The first thing that will happen in a DUI case is your actual arrest. An officer of the law might pull you over for reckless driving, speeding, or another moving violation based on their observations of your driving. They may also pull you over for a broken taillight or another minor violation.

After being pulled over, if the police officer suspects you are driving under the influence, they may ask you to step out of the car and perform field sobriety tests. They may also ask you to blow into a breathalyzer to determine your current blood alcohol content or BAC.

If they feel they have sufficient reason to believe you are driving under the influence, then they will arrest you.

After your arrest, you’ll be taken to the booking station, where the police will gather information about you. They will also take a look at any previous criminal charges, take your fingerprints, and a photo. While within the police’s custody, you have a right to speak with a lawyer concerning your rights and your case. 

Charges & Arraignment

During your detention, you will be informed of the crime you are being charged with along with the amount of your bail, if there is one. During the arraignment, you will either plead “guilty” or “not guilty” to the charges brought against you.

If you plead guilty, the judge will determine your punishment, and you will have to deal with whatever happens. However, if you’ve spoken with a qualified DUI lawyer in Maryland, then your lawyer may have you plead not guilty instead so that the case can be taken to trial.

The DUI Trial

The first step to preparing for a Maryland DUI trial is going to be the preliminary hearing. At this hearing, the judge will determine whether or not the evidence brought before them is sufficient. Witnesses and the work of your DUI attorney will prove essential in this step.

The judge will then determine whether to bring the case before a jury or to dismiss it altogether. If dismissed, the case is over and you can move on with your life. If not, you’ll proceed to trial.

During the trial, your lawyer will defend you while the prosecution tries to prove that you were intoxicated behind the wheel of your car. The jury will then deliberate and decide your fate. If you are found not guilty, then you can go home and the process is over. If you’re found guilty, the judge will sentence you according to the nature of your crime and the severity of its circumstances.

Albers & Associates is Here to Defend Your DUI/DWI Case

Finding legal representation should be your first course of action following a DUI or DWI charge in Maryland.

Albers & Associates is your best bet if you’re looking to lower the severity of or avoid certain penalties that are assessed upon your conviction. Our firm represents clients in DWI/DUI cases throughout the state. We are seasoned in DUI defense strategies and work alongside you to ensure the best possible outcome for your case. 

Our Maryland DUI lawyers can assist with DUI charges anywhere in the state, including:

Hear From Past Clients About Working With Albers & Associates

  • "I would happily recommend Mr. Albers’ services to anyone who would need legal representation." - John
  • "My entire experience with the office has been fantastic!!" - Athena
  • "Very professional and friendly. Willing to go above and beyond." - Amanda
  • "Very responsive, and explained everything as we went along" - Deb

If you have been arrested for DUI or DWI, don't wait to contact our Maryland DUI attorneys at Albers & Associates. Call us today at (443) 665-8030 or send us a message online to get started on your defense.



We take a personal interest in each client. You need an attorney that will listen to you and understand your unique situation.


Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions? We are here to help. Still have questions or can't find the answer you need? Give us a call at 443-665-8030 today!

  • What Is the Difference in Penalties Between DUI and DWI?

    Driving under the influence of alcohol is the more serious crime. It requires that the alcohol you consumed has substantially impaired your normal coordination.

    Driving while impaired by alcohol is the less serious crime. It requires that the alcohol you consumed has impaired normal coordination to some extent.

  • What if I Don’t Request an MVA Hearing?

    If you do not request an MVA hearing within 10 days, your Maryland driving privileges will be suspended as follows:
    Blood Alcohol Content: 0.08 – 0.14
    1st DUI – 45-day suspension
    2nd DUI or more – 90-day suspension

    Blood Alcohol Content: 0.15 or more
    1st DUI – 90-day suspension
    2nd DUI or more – 180-day suspension

    Blood Alcohol Content: Refused test
    1st DUI – 120-day suspension
    2nd DUI or more: 1-year suspension

  • How Much Will My DUI Trial Cost?

    As always your case evaluation will be free. Because each case has its own set of determining factors and because we handle each case individually, the cost per DUI case will vary from client to client. We do believe that everyone has the right to affordable and effective representation, so call us or schedule a case evaluation so that we can better understand your situation and provide you with a quote.

  • How Many Drinks Are Required to Reach the Maryland BAC Limit of 0.08?

    It is impossible to determine a set number of drinks required to reach the Maryland BAC limit for DUI. A person’s body mass, sex, tolerance, time frame in which drinks were consumed and even if they have eaten, all play a factor in the BAC formula. The best answer is, if you are drinking alcohol, do not drive.

  • Can I Get a DUI if I Was Under 0.08 BAC?

    In Maryland the blood alcohol content, or BAC, to receive a DUI is 0.08 or over. If a driver’s BAC is 0.04-0.08, the driver is most often charged with a DWI, which usually carries a less severe penalty. It is most common for a driver with a BAC under 0.08 to receive a DWI when an accident or bodily injury is also involved.

  • Will I Have to Pay Fines for Getting a DUI?

    The different levels of Maryland DUI Penalties are as follows:

    The maximum penalty for driving while impaired (DWI) in Maryland is 60 days incarceration and/or a $500.00 fine.

    The maximum penalty for driving under the influence (DUI) in Maryland is 1-year incarceration and/or a $1,000.00 fine.

    DUI Per Se
    The maximum penalty for driving under the influence per se (DUI per se) in Maryland is 1-year incarceration and/or a $1,000.00 fine.

  • What Is Probation Before Judgment or PBJ?

    Maryland’s probation before judgment, or PBJ as it is commonly referred to, is a possible outcome in a criminal, DUI/DWI and traffic case in Maryland. A PBJ can be obtained during plea negotiations with the assistant state’s attorney and court or by sentence of the court after a guilty plea or finding of guilty after a trial. In order to receive a PBJ, the defendant must first be found guilty. Then, the court will strike the guilty finding and grant the defendant the benefit of a PBJ. Not everyone is eligible for a PBJ and it can include a period of supervised probation, unsupervised probation, fine, and/or time served.

  • How Many Points Will I Get for a DUI in Maryland?

    It depends on your case but generally speaking Maryland’s law is 12 points for a DUI and 8 points for a DWI unless you get probation before judgment.

  • Do I Have to Plead Guilty?

    No, you do not have to plead guilty in the state of Maryland. There are many DUI defenses: you can take your case to trial or attempt to suppress a lot of the state’s evidence. For example, you can challenge the stop, the field sobriety test, and also the breathalyzer test. If you are interested in taking your case to trial and not pleading guilty, contact the office to discuss the details of your case with us.

  • Who Pays for the Ignition Interlock Device and How Much Will It Cost?

    In almost all cases the convicted driver must pay for the installation cost and the monthly fees associated with maintaining an IID. The price will vary but you can expect to pay over $100 for installation and anywhere from $50-$100 a month to lease monthly.

  • Will My Car Be Fitted With an Ignition Interlock Device?

    If it is your first offense and you are over 21, in most cases you will not be fitted with an ignition interlock device. If it is your second or third offense, or you are under 21, you will more than likely be required to install an IID on your vehicle.

  • Will I Go to Jail?

    The answer to this will vary case to case. Some things that may increase the likelihood of jail time are multiple offenses, your age, and your BAC (blood alcohol content). The most important thing to do if you think you may face jail time is to schedule your free consultation soon after your arrest so that we can review and research your case.

  • Will I Lose My Job?

    The answer to this is, in most cases, no, but there are factors that come into play if your employer finds out about your DUI/DWI arrest. We usually advise that you do not disclose the information on your arrest to your employer until after your case has gone to trial unless you are obligated to disclose your arrest to your employer, which may be a possibility if you are an employee of the government with a security clearance. While it is unlikely that you will lose your job, it is a possibility and one you should take very seriously and that we can address at your consultation.

  • Will I Lose My License?

    The answer to this depends on many factors. Once you are pulled over for drinking and driving, you may have your license taken away by the arresting officer. You will be provided with instructions and will also receive a court date to defend your charges. You may lose your license for an extended period of time depending on your driving record, the number of previous DUI/DWI charges you have, your age, whether you were also involved in an accident, and of course the outcome of your case. You don’t have to lose your license but it is a potential penalty for Maryland DUI/DWI.

  • What if I Am a Commercial Driver?

    We’ve has handled numerous DUI and accident cases involving commercially licensed drivers.  You can trust us, we know the nuances of handling a case involving someone who drives for a commercial vehicle for a living.

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