Maryland DUI Expungement Attorneys
Having a criminal record can affect many different areas of your life depending on the crimes you have been convicted of. Though many people are not aware of this, it is possible to have a wide variety of previous crimes expunged from your record after a certain amount of time with no additional convictions has passed. However, this is not the case for DUIs in Maryland. You can not get a DUI expunged from your record here, but what can you do?
Before Your Conviction, Rally Your Defenses!
The best thing to do to ensure that a DUI doesn’t ruin your future is to not get convicted of one in the first place. If you have been charged with a DUI, then you will need a lawyer on your side to address both the criminal charges and the MVA hearing. Depending on your situation, a probation before judgment may be appropriate for you. A PBJ will essentially keep your record private from employers, land lords, and other such people. Law enforcement, however, will be able to see it in the event that you are charged with another DUI within 5 years.
Why Do Those 5 Years Matter?
If you get convicted of a DUI and then another one within 5 years, your charges will escalate. You will pay higher fines, spend more time in prison if that occurs, and will not be eligible for a PBJ. However, when enough time has passed from one crime to the next, each crime will be counted as a first offense and the penalties will be lower. The state of Maryland is cracking down on DUI-related offenses with higher penalties and vigilance across the board, which makes avoiding a conviction all the more important.
Here’s How a Lawyer Can Help You.
There are many times in our lives where we make mistakes, but an honest mistake should never ruin your life. When you work with a trusted DUI lawyer, you can ensure that one mistake won’t cost you everything.
If you have questions about how we can help you, contact us today for a free consultation.