Maryland Reckless Endangerment Attorneys
Reckless Endangerment Charges? Know Your Rights.
Reckless endangerment is a misdemeanor under Maryland law that can result in relation to a DUI charge and carries significant penalties. Finding an experienced reckless endangerment defense lawyer in Maryland is a must if you’ve been charged with reckless endangerment.
Reckless endangerment may be tied to a DUI charge in Maryland because it the law encompasses all instances where the defendant’s behavior has the potential to put others at risk of serious injury or death, outcomes that are indeed possible while driving under the influence.
Understanding Reckless Endangerment
Maryland’s reckless endangerment statute is written as a preventative measure, which means serious injury or death need not occur for someone to be charged with this serious crime. Further, the prosecution doesn’t need to prove that the accused’s actions would have caused serious injury or death should they have not been caught.
Rather, the preventative nature of the reckless endangerment statute has been interpreted so that the prosecution must only prove that the accused was aware that their actions had the potential to cause serious injury or death for them to be considered guilty of reckless endangerment. In other words, even if one doesn’t intend for their actions to be harmful, the simple fact that their actions could be perceived as harmful is enough to file reckless endangerment charges, and thus how it can become intertwined with DUI cases.
Penalties from Reckless Endangerment
Reckless endangerment in Maryland comes with significant penalties which are best to have a Maryland reckless endangerment defense lawyer help you understand and fight. According to the Maryland code, a person found guilty of reckless endangerment and is convicted will face up to five years of prison time and/or a fine of up to $5,000. Though reckless endangerment is classified as a misdemeanor in Maryland, time served is done so in the state prison system rather than a county detention center.
What Can a Maryland Reckless Endangerment Defense Lawyer Do For You?
A Maryland reckless endangerment defense lawyer can, primarily, teach you and help you understand your rights. They can also help you understand what the charges mean, how they may be linked to a DUI, and what penalties you may face if found guilty. Even a first offense can carry the maximum penalties of up to five years and a fine of up to $5,000, so obtaining an experienced Maryland reckless endangerment defense lawyer will be key to your longevity throughout the entire process.
Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you.