Eldersburg CDL DUI Attorneys
Were you caught driving a commercial vehicle under the influence in Eldersburg? You may need the help of a seasoned and experienced CDL DUI lawyer to help you keep your license and your job. People that hold commercial driver’s licenses need to be extra careful when it comes to the rules of the road. After all, without a CDL, you won’t be able to do your job anymore and may not be able to get a new job in the industry. No matter what you situation is, Albers & Associates is here to defend you.
Will You Lose Your Job After a DUI?
Though people who work in offices may not always lose their job following a DUI conviction, commercial drivers definitely will. Not only will you lose your job if you are convicted, but your license may be suspended during the proceedings, which means that you will not be able to work as a commercial driver until the trial is complete. All the more reason to contact a lawyer as soon as you have your charges. You need legal help to keep your life on track. The reality of losing your CDL to a DUI is that you may never be able to work in the industry again.
What Are Your Options for DUI Defense with a CDL?
When it comes to the outcome of your case, you need to walk away with nothing to keep your job. Even a Probation Before Judgment will bar you from working as a commercial driver, though it offers an attractive alternative for people who work in other industries. At the end of the day, as a CDL holder, you need a lawyer to help you win your case. There is no other option if you want to keep your CDL.
Can You Get DUI Charges Expunged?
Things like drug charges and other various felonies can be expunged from your record after a certain amount of time has passed without another violation. In terms of driving, points are removed from your license after two years pass without incident. However, DUI charges are never expunged in the state of Maryland; they’re on your record forever. So, if you’re currently facing DUI charges, then you need to keep them off your record by working with a CDL DUI Lawyer in Eldersburg, Maryland.
Albers & Associates Will Protect You
Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and to learn more about how we can help you.