Eldersburg License Suspension Attorneys
Getting charged with a DUI can certainly result in the loss of your license, but there are a few ways that you can avoid this fate. The legal system is not as black and white as you may think. There are options for you and having a qualified lawyer on your side will ensure that you are aware of exactly what those options are. To learn more about how you should proceed, the best thing to do is to get a free consultation as soon as you can. In the meantime, here are a few things you should know about losing your license for a DUI in Maryland.
The Type of License You Have Matters
There are many different kinds of licenses that you can hold in the state of Maryland, but we’re only going to talk about the most common, the Class-C license, and the commercial driver’s license, also known as a CDL. For a Class-C license, which is likely the one you have, there are several things that can happen. Upon your arrest, you may be issued a temporary license, but this doesn’t mean that you will have your license suspended. You will be able to attend an MVA hearing so that you can advocate for the reinstatement of your license. If you are able to bring a lawyer with you, you should, as they will be able to advocate more effectively. This is only one scenario, but use it as example to understand that you have options.
However, if you have a CDL, then your license will be suspended at the time of your arrest. In the event that you are found innocent later down the line, your license will be reinstated, but that has the potential of taking many months. During the months leading up to the conclusion of your case, you will not be able to work as you will not have a valid CDL. This can spell disaster, but a lawyer can help you.
Refusing the Breathalyzer Will Work Against You
When you get pulled over, if the arresting officer suspects that you are intoxicated, you will be asked to take a breathalyzer test. Although you do have the option of refusing this test, your refusal will result in a lengthy suspension of your license. Refusal to take the test often reflects very poorly on your case. The outcome will be worse than if you fail the test, so do yourself a big favor and don’t refuse it. A reliable DUI lawyer will be able to mitigate the damage any evidence may cause to your case.
We Can Help You with DUI Charges in Eldersburg
Whether this is your 1st time being charged or you’re holding a CDL, a lawyer can help you navigate your circumstances. Contact us today for a free consultation or to learn more about how we can help you.