Frederick Suspended License Attorneys
If you’ve been charged with driving while on a suspended license, you need to get into contact with a professional Frederick, MD lawyer. Many who have a suspended license have it due to a DUI conviction and getting arrested while driving on this suspension will only make things worse.
Luckily there have been recent changes under the Justice Reinvestment Act pertaining to the Transportation Article 16-303 of the Maryland code that makes it easier for Frederick, MD attorneys to defend you.
Know the Code
Major changes were made to Maryland’s code on October 1, 2017. Both before and after that change, Maryland drivers can be charged with driving on a suspended license under three subsections of the Transportation Article 16-303:
- 16-303(h) says that a person may not drive a motor vehicle while their license or privilege to drive has been suspended. This section is usually used as an administrative sanction, such as when someone fails to appear for a court date or fails to pay a fine.
- 16-303(c) is a section that covers any suspension that isn’t the result of a court mandate. This could be a suspension for accumulating too many points, failure to attend a court-mandated driving program, failure to pay child support, or if you have an outstanding warrant.
- 16-303(i) in Maryland is when someone is caught driving on a suspended license from another state.
The Old Law
Before the law was changed, getting caught with a suspended license under any of the above codes could result in the following:
- Under 16-303(h), the maximum penalty if found guilty was up to 60 days of jail time, $500 in fines, and three points on your driving record.
- Under 16-303(c), the maximum penalty if found guilty was up to one year in jail, $1,000 in fines, and up to 12 points on your license.
- Being guilty under 16-303(i) comes with the same penalties as the previous two sections, depending on the nature of your out-of-state-suspension.
The New Law
Under the new law, the penalties under these codes were made much lighter. Being convicted under the Transportation Article now entails:
- Paying a fine not to exceed $500
- A court appearance
- Not prepaying the fine
Even though the penalties have been made lighter, you can still gain points on your license, and you should still seek help from a Frederick, MD suspended license lawyer.
Work With Albers & Associates
Here at Albers & Associates, we’ve been providing our license suspension attorney services to Frederick, and many other surrounding areas in Maryland, for years. We always fight for our clients, and always align our interests with theirs. Don’t go at this alone. Let us help by giving us a call today to set up your free legal consultation.