Whenever you’re caught driving under the influence of alcohol, or any other mind-altering substance, you’re going to be facing some serious criminal charges. Without the help of an experienced Frederick, MD 1st offense DUI lawyer, even your initial DUI offense can completely disrupt your life. If you’ve recently been arrested for your first DUI in Maryland, you probably have a lot of questions. We wanted to take some time today to answer some of these questions.
What Penalties Can You Face for Your First DUI Charge?
If you’re convicted of a DUI in Frederick, MD for the first time, then you may be facing the following DUI penalties:
- Fines up to $1,000
- Up to 1 year in jail
- Minimum license suspension of 6 months
- The use of an ignition interlock device for 6 months
If you refuse to take a chemical test when you’re arrested, you may face additional penalties due to the implied consent laws in Maryland. For your first DUI offense, refusal to take a breathalyzer test will result in a 270-day suspension of your license. If, after refusing to take the test, you are then convicted of either a DWI or a DUI, you will need to enroll in the ignition interlock program for a minimum of 1 year.
The Effects of Noah’s Law on Frederick, MD DUI Convictions
The Drunk Driving Reduction Act of 2016, also known as Noah’s Law, was put in place on October 1, 2016. This law made for longer license suspensions as well as mandatory participation in the ignition interlock device program when convicted. With Noah’s Law, the state of Maryland has been punishing DUI offenses with harsher penalties than ever before. This effort keeps our roads safer, but it may also make dealing with your 1st DUI offense a lot more difficult.
Seek the Aid of a Frederick, MD DUI Attorney
Here at Albers & Associates, we’ve been helping people in Frederick, MD for years. We know how stressful getting your 1st DUI is, don’t go at it alone, let us help you. Our team of Frederick, MD DUI lawyers is standing by ready to help you in any way possible. Give us a call today.