Mt. Airy Drug Charge Attorneys
A lot has changed since 1971. Led Zeppelin is no longer touring the world selling millions of records, President Nixon is no longer looked at in such a positive light, and All in the Family is now only shown as reruns. One thing that has changed very little however is the Federal Controlled Substances Act.
Drug charges still carry stiff penalties and can burden you for the rest of your life making future employment difficult. The best way to avoid this burden, is to avoid your drug charges. If you’ve been accused of a drug crime in Mt. Airy, MD then you should contact an experienced Mt. Airy drug crime lawyer.
The Differences in Maryland Drug Charges
As established under the Controlled Substances Act, drugs are classified under three separate schedules, schedule 1 being the most addictive, and schedule 3 the least. Both the schedule of drug you’re caught with, as well as your history of drug charges (or lack-thereof) will influence your charge.
Marijuana, although decriminalized in Maryland, can still bring fines if you are found in possession of it. If you are found with under 10 grams, you won’t need to worry about jail time, but could face a fine of up to $100. If you are found in possession of over 10 grams, or if this isn’t your first offense, the penalties could become more severe.
How Serious Are Drug Charges?
Possession of any amount of any controlled substance, besides marijuana, is a misdemeanor, but can be punished by up to 4 years in prison and a fine up to $25,000. Penalties are typically levied based on the amount possessed and the defendant’s criminal record.
Another key aspect of your charge is whether or not you had the intent to distribute. Possession with intent to distribute charges range from 20 years in prison and a $25,000 fine for schedule 1 and 2 drugs to 5 years and $15,000 for schedule 3. Additionally mandatory minimum sentences of 5 years and fines of up to $100,000 coincide with possession of the following:
- Methamphetamine – 448g
- Marijuana – 50lbs
- PCP – 16oz.
- Cocaine – 448g
- Crack cocaine – 50g
- Opium, morphine, and heroin – 28g
- LSD – 1,000 dosage units
There are also separate charges for possession of marijuana paraphernalia (pipes, bongs, bowls, grinders, etc.) with intent to use, and for non-marijuana drug paraphernalia (syringes). Their punishments are up to one year and $500 fine for the former and up to four years and a fine of $25,000 for the latter. However, these penalties are Federal, and may not apply in a Maryland Marijuana case.
Why Should I Hire a Lawyer for My Mt. Airy, MD Drug Charges?
No matter what kind of Mt. Airy drug charges your facing, they can carry grave consequences. Only the assistance of a seasoned Mt. Airy drug crimes lawyer can help make sure these charges don’t ruin your life. If your facing drug charges, don’t hesitate, call us today, we’d be more than happy to help and can offer you a free consultation.