Mt. Airy Probation Violation Attorneys
Though probation may offer a good alternative to serving jail time for your crimes, violating that probation will land you in jail regardless, sometimes without bail. There are several different kinds of ways that you can violate your probation and today, we’re going to take a look at some of them, and examine what they may mean for your future.
What is a Technical Probation Violation?
One of the most common probation violation types is a technical probation violation. Something like being late for one of your check-ins with your probation officer or failing to pay criminal restitution would count as a technical probation violation. Basically, anytime you fail to meet the terms of your probation, you are in a technical violation, and may be send to jail without bond. No matter what happened to lead to your violation, you need to consult with a lawyer to help you build a defense.
What Happens When You Commit a Crime On Probation?
If, while on probation, you are charged with a crime, then you will likely end up in jail without bail. You will need to see the judge to hear about your original sentencing before you can even start working on the probation violation charge. This could result in months of waiting in prison only to face more and more penalties from the law. Committing another crime while on probation should be avoided at all costs.
What Can You Do About Your Probation Violation in Mt. Airy, Maryland?
If you’re facing jail time after violating your probation, no matter how you violated it, then you need to contact a lawyer right away. A lawyer can help you navigate the process so that you understand all elements of what you need to do and what your rights are. You may need to go to trial, and if you do, you’ll want experience on your side to ensure that you don’t get yourself into more trouble than you’re already in.
Albers & Associates Can Defend You
No matter what kind of criminal defense you need in Mt. Airy, Maryland, we’re here to help you with experienced criminal defense attorneys who know the business through and through. To learn more about how we can help you and to set up your free consultation, contact us today. We’re ready to protect your rights.