Mt. Airy CDL DUI Attorneys
For commercial drivers, their CDL is their key to success. Without it, they cannot work, making it one of the most important parts of their lives. However, if you’re charged with a DUI as the holder of a CDL, then you could be looking at the end of your life as you know it. If you’re looking for a lawyer to handle a CDL DUI in Mt. Airy, Maryland, then you’ve come to the right place.
How Can a DUI Affect Your CDL?
In the state of Maryland, you can lose your license for driving under the influence. However, if you hold a commercial driver’s license, then the standard of behavior is even higher and the penalties even more serious. For a normal driver, you will be charged with a DUI if your BAC is over .08. However, commercial drivers cannot have a BAC over .04. A BAC of .04 or higher will result in DUI charges, which will result in the confiscation of your CDL, and that means that you won’t be able to work until the situation is handled.
Not only that, but if you are convicted of a DUI, then it’s unlikely you will be able to keep your job. After you lose your current driving job, a DUI conviction will prevent other companies from hiring you.
Can I Get DUI Charged Expunged?
Though there are many types of charges that can be expunged, DUI charges cannot. They will remain on your record forever and they can spell the end for a commercial driving career. In some cases, you may be able to work with your lawyer to obtain a probation before judgment, or a PBJ. Probation before judgement is a type of outcome where you, essentially, admit guilt. The record of your DUI is then sealed from everyone who isn’t in law enforcement. Basically, your future employers and potential landlords will not be able to see it. Though this option may be helpful for the average driver, they won’t help you keep your CDL.
What Should You Do Now?
When it comes to handling your CDL DUI, you need the help of a trusted Mt. Airy, Maryland lawyer on your side to help you win your case. Thankfully, Albers & Associates is here to help you. We can provide support throughout your proceedings from the MVA Hearing to the trial itself. If you have questions about how we can help you, then contact us today for more information and to set up a free consultation.