Mt. Airy Personal Injury Attorneys
Have you suffered an injury due to someone else’s negligence? You shouldn’t have to pay for their mistakes. With an experienced personal injury lawyer on your side, you can get the compensation that you deserve. Before you talk to your insurance company, contact a trusted personal injury lawyer in Mt. Airy.
Work with Experience on Your Personal Injury Case
Attorney Albers is a former insurance adjuster, which means that he has a wealth of experience handling your case from multiple angles. He has personal insight into how insurance companies think and the tactics they use to deny your claims. Being left with medical bills, vehicle repairs, and the associated pain and suffering can have a serious impact on your future, but we’re here to help.
Defeat “Deny, Delay, Defend” Tactics with Attorney Albers
When you file an accident claim with your insurance company, it is more than likely that they’re going to avoid paying out on your claim. In many cases, the very companies that are meant to help us in difficult times are the same companies that will do anything to avoid helping us at all. There are three common tactics that insurance companies use to avoid paying out on their claims.
Deny – The first step in getting rid of your claim is to deny it altogether on a technicality or a very minor detail. For example, they may say that you didn’t see a doctor quickly enough or they may dispute their liability. Either way, you must persist.
Delay – If the claim gets past an outright denial, insurance companies will do everything they can to delay the process as much as they can. This can include asking for additional, superfluous paperwork or making insultingly low settlement offers.
Defend – If your turn down their settlement offers and continue to persist, then your insurance company will then opt to take you to court. This step can be tricky because they will have an experienced legal team on their side built with the sole purpose of getting rid of your claim.
Don’t Let the Insurance Company Bully You
Unless you’re an insurance professional, you probably don’t know the ins and outs how the business works, and it is just that: a business. Insurance companies expect this and will do what they can to keep their profits up at your expense. However, you can take them on with a personal injury attorney who understands your situation and your needs. Contact Albers & Associates today to learn more about how we can help you.