Mt. Airy Dog Bite Attorneys
Though dogs are considered “man’s best friend”, they can cause a lot of damage when they aren’t properly trained. Whether you are the owner of a dog or you have been bitten by one, there are things you need to know to understand what will happen if you’re involved in a dog bite incident. Let’s take a look at what can happen, how to avoid tense situations with dogs, and what you should do next.
What Happens When a Dog Bites?
When a dog bites someone, the events that unfold will largely depend on the severity of the bite and the nature of the victim. If the bite is minor, then the victim of the bite may choose to forego reporting the incident. If the bite is more serious, then they may wish to press charges. If you are the owner of the dog, you can offer to pay their medical expenses, which may persuade the victim not to report the incident as well.
If the incident is reported, you will be held liable for the actions of your dog unless specific circumstances are present. For example, if the person bitten was trespassing on your property or causing damage to other people or property, then you may not be held liable. It all depends on the circumstances of the incident. Additionally, if the incident is reported, your dog may be labeled as a dangerous animal and the state may decide to put them down. The best way to handle this situation is to avoid dog bite incidents at all costs.
Have You Been Bitten By a Dog?
If you have been bitten by a dog, you must consider whether or not you want to press charges. If you choose not to, you are encouraged to work something out with the owner of the dog to ensure that you don’t get left high and dry with medical bills. If you do choose to press charges, you will need a lawyer on your side to ensure that you are able to secure the damages that you deserve. The state of Maryland has a strict liability rule for dog attacks, meaning that the owner of the dog will be held responsible for the actions of their pet regardless of their presence at the incident and the prior record of the dog. Even if this is the first time the dog in question has bitten someone, the owner is still responsible.
Do You Need a Personal Injury Lawyer in Mt. Airy, MD?
If you’ve been bitten by a dog in the state of Maryland, you need a trusted personal injury lawyer on your side. Albers & Associates can help you with every aspect of your case from initial filing to securing damages. To learn more about how we can help, contact us today and set up a free consultation.