Towson Probation Violation Attorneys
Probation is a favorable alternative to having to serve time in jail for your crime, but the terms are strictly set and there are consequences when you violate probation in Towson, MD. Working with the expert lawyers at Albers & Associates can ensure you get the best outcome possible when you find yourself in this situation.
Common Probation Terms
Specific conditions are set when you are granted probation, and any violation of these common terms can lead to serious consequences for you:
- Meeting regularly with your probation officer
- Abstaining from drugs or alcohol
- Ceasing contact with certain individuals
- Attending addiction or rehabilitation programs
- Participating in community service
- Keeping work and/or education commitments
- Paying fines
- Not being in possession of weapons or firearms
Violating Probation in Towson, MD
Not adhering strictly to the terms and conditions of your probation can easily lead to jail time. A technical violation, like arriving late to meetings or skipping community service, may not seem like a big deal, but you can face the same consequences and penalties if you commit these violations that you would if you committed another crime while on probation.
Probation Violation Hearing
Commonly, the same judge who presided over your original sentencing will hear your case for your probation violation. This hearing is not a criminal matter but is conducted as a civil proceeding. There is not a jury present at this meeting, and the judge is the final determinant of your punishment and sentencing for violating probation in Towson, MD.
Have You Violated Your Probation in Towson, MD?
If you have violated the terms of your probation, your first step should be to call the defense attorneys at Albers & Associates. We will help you in navigating the hearing process and will advocate for you and your rights, and will seek the best outcome possible after your violation. Contact us today for your free consultation for legal services in Maryland.