Will I Lose My License for a DUI in Towson, MD?
When you’ve been caught drinking and driving by an officer of the law, one of your initial worries is likely whether or not you will lose your driver’s license. Towson and the state of Maryland as a whole have strict penalties for driving under the influence, as they are highly concerned with the dangers of this practice and want to do everything possible to keep drivers safe on the road.
Safe driving enforcement efforts include Maryland driver’s license suspensions and revocations when a driver is found operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Let’s take a look at the common penalties for DUI and what you can do to lower your charges if you commit this crime.
DUI Penalties that Affect Your Driving Privileges
The Motor Vehicle Association (MVA) is the organization tasked with assessing penalties regarding your driving privileges when you are charged with a DUI in Maryland. The punishment you receive will depend on the details surrounding your traffic stop as well as your prior offenses.
1st Offense DUI: 12 points assessed to driving record + license revocation for up to 6 months
2nd Offense DUI: 12 points assessed to driving record + license revocation for up to one year
Two Offenses within Five Years: Mandatory period of license suspension + required period of participation in Ignition Interlock Program (IIP)
Additional offenses carry harsher and more strict license sanctions and could leave you without driving privileges for numerous years.
Can I Still Drive Myself to Work or School?
Maryland does understand that many people drive themselves to obligations like work and school, so depending on the circumstances surrounding your DUI charge, you may be eligible for a restricted license. With this license, you will have limitations to adhere to in order to avoid further penalties. These limitations may include you only being allowed to drive to your job, school, the hospital if you become in need of emergency care, and alcohol or drug programs.
How Else Can I Keep My Driving Privileges After a DUI?
Maryland has established a program that involves the installation of an Ignition Interlock Device in your vehicle. This will only allow you to start the car once you have blown into the device and confirmed that your blood alcohol level (BAC) is zero. Although this may seem inconvenient, it can be the difference between getting to keep your job or enrollment in school and being unemployed or having to stop attending academic studies.
The best way to maintain your driving privileges after a DUI is to work with a professional DUI lawyer in Towson, MD. Albers & Associates has helped many drivers who have been caught committing this crime and continually advocate for their clients to help them avoid harsh penalties and keep their driver’s license. Contact us today for a free consultation on DUI or other legal assistance in Towson.