Preparing for DUI Court in Towson, MD
Have you been charged with DUI in Maryland? Your first step should be to find a professional attorney specializing in DUI cases so that you can be sure you have the legal assistance you need to navigate the legal proceedings and understand your penalties. To better prepare you for court proceedings, we have broken down the process so that you know what you can expect.
After you are arrested and detained, your next step will be to attend arraignment. This is where there is a formal reading of your criminal charges in order to inform you of what you are being charged with. You will then be required to enter one of the following pleas:
Guilty: You are admitting to having committed the crime as the charging document states, accepting responsibility for your actions and ready to face the consequences.
Not Guilty: You are denying part or all of what the charging document states and believe you are innocent.
No Contest: You are admitting the facts of the charging document but not admitting your guilt.
Preliminary Hearing
This is where the judge determines whether or not there is sufficient evidence in convicting you of the alleged crime. Your DUI attorney is a crucial element in this phase, as they will research your case and use their knowledge of Maryland DUI law to back your plea and fight for a fair or lesser punishment. At this hearing, the judge will determine whether to dismiss the case or bring it to a jury.
The Trial
If your DUI case makes it to this stage and is not dismissed, the prosecution will try their best to prove that you were under the influence of alcohol or drugs while driving. Your attorney will be there to fight for you and defend you and the jury will deliberate to decide the fate of the trial.
Don’t Go To DUI Court Without a Towson, MD Lawyer
Going through the legal proceedings of a DUI case alone can be difficult, frustrating, and tough to navigate. Albers & Associates is here to help with your case and will advocate for you every step of the way. We specialize in Maryland DUI law and are dedicated to helping our clients get the best outcome from every charge and conviction.
Contact us today to set up your free legal consultation.