Towson Will Attorneys
Dying without a will can be a troubling business. Your assets may not proceed to the people that you want them to go to. Your property may not be given to the heirs you want. If you’re looking to secure your post-mortem legal affairs, then having a will is going to make a big difference in the way that your affairs are settled. When you work with an Towson Wills Lawyer, you won’t have to worry.
What Can You Do With a Will?
A will can be used to settle some of the most important aspects of your life when you cannot. After your death, your family will most likely be wrapped up in their grief, but a will can help them to address concerns about finances, property, and legal guardians for minor offspring. If you die without a will in the state of Maryland, then you will be considered to have died “intestate”.
The law has outlined what will happen to the assets and properties for people that die intestate. Your assets will be given to the next of kin in varying levels. This could include a spouse, children, surviving parents, siblings, and other relations. Though everything may work out as you imagined, it also may not. If you want your assets divided as you intend, then you must outline your wishes in a legal document.
Wills are especially important if you have children that are still minors, as a will can be used to appoint legal guardians for your children in the event that you and your spouse perish. Talk to an TowsonWills Attorney for more detailed information.
What Should Be Avoided in a Will?
Wills aren’t the place to talk about your funeral arrangements or to express any sentiments to your family. Those topics are best handled in a letter or in an advance directive. You may also want to sit down and talk with your family about your wishes so that there are no surprises in the event that the worst occurs. For the most part, wills aren’t addressed for a few weeks following your death. Therefore, if your final wishes are only included there, they may not be seen until it’s too late.
You should also avoid putting conditions on items in your will. For example, you shouldn’t leave your primary residence to your surviving child on the condition that they finish college or get a particular job. These conditions are unlawful and will not be enforced by a court of law.
Finally, don’t leave property for your pets. Legally speaking, pets cannot own property, so leaving them the house is not going to be honored. What you can do is create a pet trust. A pet trust can be used to provide instruction for the way your pet needs to be cared for in the event that you cannot do so yourself. You can also leave a sum of money for your pet’s care. You can even arrange your pet’s eventual funeral in a pet trust.
Ready to Work With a Wills Lawyer in Towson, Maryland?
If you need to put together a will to secure your future, then call on Albers & Associates to help you. We can work with you to determine your post-mortem wishes and ensure that your will is sound. Contact us today for more information and to set up a free consultation to discuss your will.