Westminster Misdemeanor Attorneys
Getting charged with a misdemeanor might not seem like a big deal, but this is not often the case. The first offense may only stick you with a small fine and a slap on the wrist, but any subsequent offenses will be treated more harshly and you may end up facing jail time. If you’ve been charged with a crime, then you need a misdemeanor defense lawyer in Westminster, Maryland to help you.
What is Classified as a Misdemeanor?
All crimes are sorted into three major categories: a civil offense, a misdemeanor, and a felony. A civil infraction is something small like running a stop sign as long as that action didn’t lead to someone getting hurt. A misdemeanor is a criminal offense of a smaller, less damaging nature like petty theft. A felony is a major crime that harmed another person or property such as aggravated assault. All three of these types of crimes can be accompanied by fines and marks on your criminal record, though jail time and prison sentences are reserved for criminal offenses. However, even something as small as a civil offense can escalate into a more serious situation if you are found guilty multiple times or on multiple accounts. No mark on your criminal record is a good thing.
Do You Need a Lawyer to Help You in Traffic Court?
Though many people will tell you that you don’t need a lawyer to go to traffic court, this may not be the case. If you have multiple infractions, an accumulation of points on your license, or any other complicated circumstances, your traffic court experience may not be as smooth as you’d hope. The important thing to note about traffic court is that, it may not seem like a big deal, but it can become one if treated lightly. Bringing a lawyer with you is going to increase your chances of the situation remaining mild.
What Can You Do About Your Misdemeanor in Westminster, MD?
The most important thing that you should think about when facing any type of criminal charges, is that you need to build your defense and prevent the worst case scenario of fines and jail time. You need a lawyer on your side to protect you, but thankfully, you’ve come to the right place. Whether you’re facing charges of theft, a DWI/DUI, or any other type of misdemeanor, a lawyer will make all the difference in the world.
When it Comes to Criminal Defense in Westminster, MD, We’re the Best
When you need a misdemeanor defense lawyer in Westminster, MD, Albers & Associates is going to help you.