Westminster Traffic Ticket Attorneys
Traffic tickets are one of the most frustrating parts of driving, but they happen to a lot of people. However, traffic tickets are not always given out justly. Sometimes the punishment just doesn’t match the crime. If you’ve gotten a ticket recently that you don’t feel you deserve, meet with a trusted Westminster, MD Traffic Tickets Lawyer to help you get everything sorted out.
A Legal Team On Your Side in Westminster, MD
We can help you with the following types of traffic court cases including, but not limited to:
- Car Accidents
- Speeding Tickets
- Moving Violations
- Reckless Driving
- Driving on a Suspended License
If you have been pulled over and given a ticket, then the consequences can be more serious than simply having to pay a fine. In some cases, the suspension of your license may be on the table, among another penalties. In the event that points have piled up on your driving record, you need the aid of a Westminster, MD Traffic Ticket Attorney so that your life won’t have to skip a beat.
What Should You Do If You Get Pulled Over?
Seeing those red and blue lights in your rear-view mirror is always stressful, so knowing what to do in advance can mean the difference between a smooth traffic stop and a turbulent one. Here are some helpful things to keep in mind if and when you get pulled over by a police officer.
1. Slow Down and Stop Safely – The first thing that you should do when being pulled over is stop so that the police officer can talk with you. Start by slowing down and then look for a safe place to pull over. If you don’t see a safe place, turn on your hazards to signal to the officer that you’re looking for the right place to stop and that you’re in the process of pulling over.
2. Turn Your Car Off and Wait – Though it may be tempting to start rifling around your car for your documents, it’s far safer to simply sit and wait for the officer to prompt you. Though you may be perfectly harmless, not all drivers are. Traffic stops can be quite dangerous for police officers, meaning that their guard is up. Just turn off the car, roll down the window, and wait for the officer to take the next step. Make sure to keep your hands on the wheel where the officer can see them for your own safety.
3. Be Polite and Accommodating – Though you shouldn’t let the officer lead you into admitting guilt, you should be as polite as possible when interacting with them. Though you may be nervous, keep your answers short and honest.
4. Plan Your Next Move – Once the officer has issued the ticket and you’ve arrived at your destination, it’s time to work through your next step. Though you can simply plead guilty, pay the fine, and be on your way, the points you have accumulated on your license will follow you around for 2 years. Insurance companies will be able to see them for even longer.
Paying the ticket to “make it go away” will not actually make the ticket go away. Seek the help of legal counsel to handle the ticket with the best solution.